
Os X Version 10.8 Download for Mac Updated

Os X Version 10.8 Download for Mac

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OS X 10.8.5 Supplemental Update

OS 10 x.8.5 Supplemental Update

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OS X 10.8.5 Supplemental Update free download for Mac

OS X ten.eight.5 Supplemental Update

Version 1.0

Recommended update for OS X Mountain Lion users.

OS 10 10.eight.5 Supplemental Update overview

The OS X 10.8.v Supplemental Update is recommended for all users running Os Ten Mountain Lion 10.8.five. This update:

What'southward new in version 1.0

Updated on Oct 04 2013

Version 1.0:

  • Resolves an consequence that may prevent sure applications from using the FaceTime Hd photographic camera on mid-2013 MacBook Air systems.
  • Fixes an bug that may cause external drives to be ejected subsequently the computers goes to sleep.
  • Addresses an issue that may prevent HDMI sound from working after waking from sleep.
  • Fixes an issue that may foreclose sure USB Bluetooth adapters from working.


App requirements

  • Intel 64
  • OS X x.eight.v or afterwards

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OS X ten.viii.v Supplemental Update

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After this update, I see that my system have more free RAM after booting than before the update.


A annotation for those of y'all using nVidia's web drivers: this update makes the organisation incompatible Over again, so it falls dorsum to the base Os X drivers. (Way to go, nVidia.) If that annoys you lot like information technology does me, you might want to concur off on this update until nVidia gets a clue.


This update works fine so far. Still hoping for an AirPlay push button in QuickTime Actor, ala iOS! Come up on Apple tree!


Did non fix the dull shutdown times introduced with 10.eight.2 :/


This update addresses the problem with a series of keys that could impact 2012 Mac systems. This update is recommended for all Mac systems that have been introduced. Markets in 2012. Simply. I accept a trouble with keychain With MacBook Pro 2012


No problems on install. I did find the first time I tried to log in later on the requisite reboot, I got a new countersign hint baloon window.


Downloaded file is 1.3MB, non 26, so is the DL corrupted or there is an error in the file size being reported here?


From the subtitle: "For all Mac users introduced in 2012" As in: Built-in this year and got my offset MacBook to play with in my craddle. Or: If you lot buy a Mac we'll introduce yous to... whomever.


Everything went shine. Nothing to declare. Don't notice whatsoever changes. Over & out.


If yous have a recovery partitioning set to an external drive, make sure you verify the deejay which will update the "boot support partitions". My RAID configuration doesn't back up the recovery sectionalization so I had no choice but to set it externally. If y'all set it to another bulldoze for any reason, just verify it so you won't be stuck when you lot really demand it.


Updated without a hitch. Wish they would fix the Time Machine trouble for ML likewise. That just bit me yesterday and made me switch to Carbon Copy Cloner.


This update failed on my 2011 15" Macbook Pro with OWC SSD. Later on several hours "hung", I had to forcefulness a restart, subsequently which my SSD boot drive was completely hosed - not fifty-fifty visible. This is the fourth time I have had to RMA ane of these drives. Not sure whether this was acquired by the update or non, but I would avoid this update for at present.


Does not fix the biggest issue with Os X10.eight.2 - wearisome shuting down of MBPs. Compassion...


Hides your abode Library again, equally usual for some damn reason! Launch, type; chflags nohidden ~/Library Press Enter/Return.


For this they think I'k going to take the time to download, install, and sit through a reboot?


excelent update. Mount Lion is the all-time OS Apple made ever: stable, amazing functions, slap-up price.

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Bone X 10.eight.5 Supplemental Update


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Os X Version 10.8 Download for Mac

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